The four tribes of Republicans — and why it is important
Key takeaways from the 2020 General Election
Some pre-election night prognostication
We should call Weight Watchers to help manage COVID-19
Personal responsibility in a pandemic
My career mistakes & what I’ve learned from them
Why it is essential for Joe Biden to be elected
We already know who won the election (Russia)
Helping the street homeless in NYC
A Broken Windows strategy for reforming the police
If I had a business in NYC now…
Some things I learned about divorce
What to do about Statues and Naming Rights
Leveling the playing field for SMB’s
Top books to read from my personal library
It’s not just talent and working hard: A third path to professional success
How I think we should live with COVID-19
Why I play the lottery and you should too
Some thoughts about engaging on LinkedIn
Register as a Democrat in New York City
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